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2023-09-30 18:402380



At the of my端午英语作文, from the New Year Boat on a of the most , and are busy job, a with my to stay in the . Boat at that time to make me .

With the , like the New Year, Boat the day at , so my will sat , give me some , such as " not to" "not to eat cold tzu" "not with "" not to play in the "... ... I have been to his head. let me , so that can have a good .

Good , I got up , get on the the , when the has the to well, up a few tied and Gui Gui leaf rope, the rice a of , like a , on some of the , : is , is red bean , is meat,red pond.

So I sat and busy .

The are on both of the端午节英语作文, used to boil to and had the duck Add big pot, from pot of hot a few Add of , and then also Add 1 tsp salt, and then Tim foci in a few , it has been next to me to give my son a .

's hand of the long-term has bark like a , but , an with red into the sub on.

At this , the eggs are , the up one of the on the use of red red dye, and then do a , into yard, on my neck. Then, my , , , very to me, this way I can and to look at a boat race.


One is that the from ’s of . In , the was the god in of , was to life and . On the day of , to the god and him as a . The sole was to the god to a year of .

Some from by . were held in when the hot was to to who didn’t have and to . So, to wear and hang and on to away the so- evil that .

may many the of the . But if you ask its , you’ll get the same . They will tell you that the the poet, Qu Yuan. They’ll also tell you the that has been down for more than 2,000 .

Qu Yuan was born in 340 BC, the . At that time, were to . Of the , Qin was the and Chu the .

Qu Yuan was a of Chu. his , the of Chu fell into a .

in his life, Qu Yuan won the of the King of Chu, and was his , laws and . When he saw the by the Qin , he and an with the Qi as a way to Chu’s .

But the King of Chu was by self-, who were of Qu Yuan. They from the Qin’s , the King from Qu Yuan’s and the poet’s from the King. Qu Yuan was sent into for 20 .

, Qu Yuan his day. In the year 278 BC,the of Chu was by from Qin. In pain端午节英语作文, Qu Yuan “” or “The ”, the of all his . On the day of the , he in the Milo , he was his ’s .

Qu Yuan died of ago, but he is year for his love of and to his and his . In his , he :

Long did I sigh and wipe away my ,

To see my by and .


The ’s move my ,Our land I .

for who have for them. Each year, the , the day of Qu Yuan’s , race to him. This is to be a of how the of Chu , at the time, to Qu Yuan’s body from the Milo . - by the name of were in the to feed the fish, so they stay away from Qu Yuan’s body.

Qu Yuan’s life was but, as a poet, he . In fact, he is to be the poet in . his time, were only folk . Qu Yuan a new of , as Chu Ci.








7.On 大学英语作文


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致家长的信 尊敬的家长: 清明节是我国传统的重要节日之一,也是我们中华民族的传统文化的重要组成部分。为了让孩子们更好地了解和体验这个节日,我们将在学校开展一系列相关活动,特此致信告知。 活动安排 1. 祭扫先烈:我们将组织全体师生前往当地革


端午节是中国传统节日之一,每年农历五月初五。幼儿园作为一个儿童的启蒙教育机构,应该注重孩子们的文化素养和民族情感教育。因此,在端午节来临之际,各幼儿园进行相关的教育活动和讲解,让孩子们了解这个传统节日的起源、习俗和意义。 首先,幼儿园可以通


活动目的 端午节是中华民族传统节日之一,为了让幼儿更好地了解和感受这个传统文化,增强他们的文化自信心,幼儿园计划开展端午节主题教育活动。 活动时间 6月16日(周三)上午9:00-11:30。 活动内容 1. 端午节知识普及:老师通过图片、


随着端午节的临近,幼儿园开展了一系列有关假期安全教育的活动。这些活动旨在提高幼儿的安全意识,预防事故的发生。 首先,幼儿园老师向孩子们讲解了端午节的由来和风俗习惯。他们告诉孩子们吃粽子、赛龙舟等传统习俗背后蕴含着怎样的文化内涵,引导幼儿认识


幼儿园端午节放假安全教育 随着端午节的到来,幼儿园为了保障学生的安全,进行了一系列的安全教育活动。 食品安全教育 在端午节期间,粽子是不可缺少的传统美食。幼儿园老师通过讲解粽子的制作过程和注意事项,让孩子们了解到粽子需要用清洁卫生、新鲜食材


幼儿园端午节教育活动 端午节是我国传统的重要节日之一,为了让幼儿更好地了解和体验这个节日,我们幼儿园开展了一系列的端午节教育活动。 制作粽子 在这个活动中,我们给孩子们准备了糯米、肉馅、竹叶等材料,让他们亲手制作粽子。孩子们十分兴奋地参与其


幼儿园端午节教育 端午节是中国传统的节日之一,也是中华民族的重要文化遗产。在幼儿园里开展端午节教育活动,可以让孩子们更好地了解这个节日,增强他们对祖国文化的认识和尊重。 什么是端午节 在幼儿园里,老师可以通过图书、图片、影视资料等形式向孩子


亲爱的家长: 清明节是中华民族的传统节日,也是一个重要的祭扫祖先和缅怀先烈的日子。在这个特殊的时刻,我们幼儿园全体师生将向英烈们致以最深切的敬意。 让孩子了解中国文化传统 作为幼儿园老师,我们认为教育不仅仅是知识和技能的传授,更应该注重孩子
